The final phase of the Universal SABER Project in Spain dealt with the design of 5 adapted packages on the Way of St James aimed at people with different types of disabilities.
The designed routes have included the most accessible sub-sections of the legs between Burgos and Santiago de Compostela. The beneficiary of these packages are senior clients, people with visual impairment, intellectual disability and People with Reduced Mobility (PRM). Three of these packages are self-guided, and two of them addressed to small groups with the assistance of a support vehicle.
Over the past year, an intense preparatory fieldwork was performed to evaluate the accessibility of the different sections of this pilgrimage route, and the available accessible tourist resources. After this preliminary analysis (carried out by the travel agency S-cape Travel and APTAA association), the following steps to design destination packages have been undertaken:
1. Selection of those legs on both routes which have the best accessibility conditions and less risks for tourists with disabilities. Roads and dangerous / critical obstacles (in most cases associated with steep slopes, traffic or dangerous crossings) have been decisive factors when discarding sub-sections for the design of accessible products.
2. Establishing for each package, the number of kilometers that can be travelled daily depending on type of disability and travel (walking, hand- biking or biking)
3. Selection of suppliers (accommodation, restaurants and transfer services) with best adapted facilities and accessibility level.
4. Integration of collected, verified and selected suppliers to create packages considering the whole accessibility chain.
5. Detailing for each destination package specific information on the following items: brief description, highlights, kilometers to be covered daily, price, type of accommodation, practical information, included and not included services, booking calendar and map.
A catalogue with relevant information of packages has been prepared and can be downloaded at:
Adapted destination packages on the Way of St James